Dear Settlers,
Throughout the development of the summer event, two graphics have seen further adaptations to provide them with a more defined and unique presentation.
In this short sneak peek, we want to show you the development from the first "WIP" (work in progress) assets, to the final look that's in today's live version.
We wanted to create a magnificent impression, especially with the Magnificent Brewery, so the building now stands out in the game world in golden colors; after all - what is more magnificent than gold?
Juan has also received a bit of a make-over to give his camp a more proportionate appearance. The two 'cats' have been scaled down so that they still look majestic but don't tower over nearby buildings. We've converted his cooking pot into something more eye-catching; nothing says the start of Summer than a mouth-watering spitroast on a barbecue!
This time we also want to share with you our Inspiration for the asset of General Juan. Look at those two cutie fluffballs which represent the majestic cats in his camp. They do look alike, right?

Which creation do you like better? How would you have customized the graphics in your style?
We look forward to your feedback in the
Happy Summer Party!
Your "The Settlers Online" Team