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Onderwerp: [Feedback] Scavenger hunt with Orowa

  1. #11

    May 2019
    Hoppa! het heeft even geduurd maar met bloed zweet en tranen hebben we alles opgelost.
    Vanaf dag 3 wordt het allemaal wel een stuk makkelijker.

  2. #12

    Jul 2012
    Ik heb ze ook opgelost, nu maar hopen dat de antwoorden goed zijn, wel jammer dat het allemaal in het engels is

  3. #13

    Jul 2012
    Ik denk dat ik ze ook heb opgelost.
    Leuke afleiding tijdens de warme dagen. Ik vond het erg leuk om te doen.

    Chapeau forum-beheerders!

  4. #14

    Aug 2012
    Alles opgelost
    ik vond het leuk om te doen, mag wel meer zo van die raadseltjes, wel liefst volgende keer in het NL, dan is het iets eenvoudiger om ze op te lossen.
    Droom niet over het leven dat je wilt leiden, leid het leven waarvan je droomt.

  5. #15
    Pegi-7, vraag me af of alle zevenjarigen uit: Polen, Griekenland, Portugal, Nederland, Chili, Peru, Thailand enz etc... ook allemaal Engels spreken. Goed over nagedacht.

  6. #16

    Jun 2013
    Niks over nagedacht... gewoon 1x gemaakt en over alle servers verspreid. Mods met veel tijd en hoge aanwezigheidsgraad zullen het op diverse servers wel hebben vertaald. Helaas hebben we die niet (meer?) op de NL-server.

  7. #17

    Sep 2012
    Niet waar Copycat, het verhaal op de engelse server is anders dan hier de engelse is

  8. #18

    Jun 2013
    ja, de mods heten anders

  9. #19

    Sep 2012
    Ok, zoek de verschillen:


    Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Day 2

    Storm approaches...

    Adventurers supped on the food they had found in the bandits’ hideout and spent the night underground. On the next day they set off to continue their journey. The sun was high above when MOD_V4lkyrie shouted: “Look! A sandstorm is coming!” You and Orowa joined her on the top of a small hill and saw the enormous dark cloud, slowly moving in your direction.
    “Quickly, back to the caravan” - the ghost shouted. - “Unroll the magic carpet we took from the bandits, we’ll fly over the storm!”
    Fortunately, the carpet was quite large and everyone fit. There were gasps of both horror and excitement when the carpet rose into the air.
    Orowa was doing everything he could, but for some reason the carpet didn’t want to rise higher than just above the raging storm. Strong winds were throwing the magical vehicle in all directions, while clouds of dust were blowing into the faces of the adventurers, making it impossible to see anything.
    Just when you were beginning to think that maybe you’re going in circles above the storm, the visibility started to get better. The endless dunes were no longer there, you were flying over a forest.
    “Uhh, guys? I think I’m losing control over this thing...” - said Orowa.
    The carpet started losing altitude, slowly at first, but then faster and faster.
    “We’re going down! Hold on!” - cried the ghost.

    The carpet hit the ground with a loud bang. The adventurers were thrown in all directions.
    Empty of passangers, the magical artefact rose into the air on its own and disappeared in the trees.
    “Ghosts shouldn't fly through any means other than their own powers...” - complained Orowa, shaking dirt and leaves out of his sheets.
    “Are you alright?” - asked an unfamiliar voice.
    You looked around and saw a man standing under a nearby tree. He was wearing torn and dirty clothing and was leaning on a branch. You could also see several fresh wounds.
    “Are YOU alright?” - you asked the stranger.
    “Is it possible? Could you be the answer to my prayers?” - the man said, as if he hadn’t heard the question. - “My name’s Rudolf. You must help me, please!”
    The rest of the adventurers started gathering around you.
    “Sure, why not! We have a skilled field medic in our group.” - said Orowa.
    “No! My wounds don’t matter. It is my family that need help! They’re in our hut, this way.” - Rudolf pointed with a trembling hand. - “The invaders… they are torturing them! I tried to do something, but they beat me up! Please, help us!”
    Seeing the man’s desperation, you decided not to waste any more time and set off forward. When you reached the hut, you saw 6 men guarding the entrance. They were wearing brown hooded robes and wielding large daggers. Something flashed inside the building and you heard a scream of pain.
    “Drop your weapons and let us pass and you’ll not be harmed.”- said Orowa
    “You shall not enter.” - said one of the guards. - “Our master is busy.”
    One of the mods raised a crossbow and fired. The quarrel hit the doorframe, mere centimeters away from the head of one of the guards.
    The robed strangers looked thoroughly unimpressed.
    “You can fire all the arrows you want. The dark powers will protect us. You shall not enter.”

    Suddenly the door flew open and another man came out of the building. He also was wearing a brown hooded robe, but he was much taller than the guards and his eyes seemed to be glowing with a pale yellow light.
    “What is the meaning of this insolence?” - he said - “Leave now, fools, or you shall suffer my wrath!”
    “You’re outnumbered. Surrender immediately, and let us into the house.” - said Orowa.
    In response, the robed man raised his hand. There was a sharp crack and a shimmering bolt of light flew straight at the ghost. Orowa yelped and jumped aside. His sheets caught fire and he started zooming left and right, frantically trying to put the flames out.
    The adventurers charged forward. One of the cultists fell down with a spear in his chest. Another dropped his dagger with a hiss, hit by MOD_Yardly with an arrow. Two more arrows struck their leader, but the tall stranger seemed not to even notice. He raised his hand again and another lightning flew through the air. It hit the shield MOD_Rebus was holding and ripped it apart, leaving only charred bits of wood and metal. Your household guard concentrated on the dagger-wielding cultists and defeated them without much hassle, but their leader proved to be a much tougher opponent. Crackling streams of energy were swirling around him, striking anyone who came too close. Bowmen were trying to hit him with more arrows, but were forced to duck behind trees to avoid bolts of energy he was shooting at them from his hands.

    Who is this terrifying foe?
    eritsp rdka ighh
    (You'll have to clean up the word order as well)


    Day 2: Scavenger hunt with Orowa

    Despite the short sleep, everyone gets up full of enthusiasm. Even MOD_Duimelijntje, who hates Adventures, can hardly wait to explore the island further.
    Hour by hour they struggle through the desert sand.

    "This sucks", MOD_Snorrebaard complains, which makes MOD_Dako77 call him a cry-baby.

    Orowa, on the other hand, is seemingly unaffected by the heat and aridness. Majestically he hovers over the heads of the others and asks the mods mockingly why they carry the loot instead of using it.

    While MOD_Yardly and the Savage Scout are studying the area from above, the others take a nap.

    "Thunderstorm!", the Savage Scout suddenly shouts. Orowa prompts up. Indeed, a giant cloud moves towards them. "That is not a thunderstorm, that is a sandstorm. WAKE UP AND HOLD TIGHT, we will fly above it!"

    Orowa's plan works. After a few hours, the storm calms down.

    "Where are we?", MOD_Duimelijntje asks.

    "That's a good question and it is not like we knew where we are before", answers MOD_Dako77.

    Orowa shakes the sand out of his sheets and replies: "This has to be the cursed Coop-Triangle."

    His companions look at each other flabbergasted.

    "Can you see the strait over there? That is the entrance to the Sea of Coop." Owora points towards the beach ahead of them. "Here our next adventure will start“

    Can you solve this riddle

    Orowa leaves the group to get an overview. When he rejoins the others, he paints a very detailed map of the island in the sand.

    "You should move silently and carefully here because the area is home to many gruesome creatures." Orowa points at the Forest in front of them.

    "As you can see, you can't see anything", jokes MOD_Snorrebaard.

    "You have to look more closely", whispers Orowa.

    And indeed, they see beasts patrolling the pathways between the churches. Two towers up north are also visible.

    "Investigate the churches", Orowa explains. "We should be able to find more information there."

    "Is Mister Ghost too good to do it himself?", rumbles MOD_Snorrebaard.

    "No, but there are enough creatures around this place which scare even me!", Orowa retorts sharply. "We have to split up. That way, we can do things faster and reduce the chance to be spotted. Afterward, we meet here again.“

    With the first church, our group has no luck. They only found dirt everywhere they looked but the second church was more interesting. The second group found black candles, placed around the pulpits.

    And in the shadows, some figures appear. What could this be?

  10. #20

    Jun 2013
    De mods heten anders...

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