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Onderwerp: Happy Biscuit Day!

  1. #1
    Community Team Old_BB_Amta's Avatar
    Mar 2016

    Happy Biscuit Day!

    Dear Settlers,

    On Biscuit Day, celebrate with this very special cookie recipe designed to power up TSO players! These very sweet cookies are made with plenty of sugar. If players eat some of them they will have a lot of energy and will play much more effectively.

    Use on player to increase gaming speed

    This recipe was passed down through generations of Settlers.
    The Raving Rabbids made experiments to improve it the last time they came to town.

    Gather these rare ingredients:
    • Eggs (of the Stripy variety)
    • Butter from the buttercups
    • Pink sugar from the horn of an unicorn
    • Cherries from the Cherry Tree
    • That last bag of flour from your Storehouse
    • Sweet-smelling exotic condiment received as a gift from Captain Mapparan
      and very important:
    • All the patience you can find lying about in the back of your kitchen drawers
    Mix together in a big bowl heated over a Fairy Fire and drop at the local Bakery, but not before getting a second opinion from Aunt Irma! After all, we remember those burnt fingers last time we didn't get help.

    After baking, sprinkle with assorted nuts before sharing with your friends and neighbours!

    Share your favourite cookie recipe or tell us what ingredients our bakers can add to make this even more yummy!

    Happy Baking!

  2. #2

    Aug 2015
    this made me chuckle!

    But if this is a real recipe I wouldn't know how to acquire it...

  3. #3

    Oct 2012
    This goes fare above my hat... A recipe for in the privision house to make coockies and Mr. Croissant by ourselves? A little bit accadabra to me this.

  4. #4
    Community Team Old_BB_Amta's Avatar
    Mar 2016
    Citaat Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door dmmh77 Bekijk Berichten
    this made me chuckle!

    But if this is a real recipe I wouldn't know how to acquire it...
    I'm glad it brought a smile to your face
    Just to clarify this: no, it's not a real recipe, it is just a creative and funny post for the upcoming Biscuit Day, as I thought everyone loves cookies. I'm looking forward to reading your creative TSO recipes!


  5. #5
    breek een paar eenvoudige eitjes, kluts deze tezamen met wat godendrank, meel en het hoofd van en chocoladekonijn
    hak wat stinkende planten fijn en roer deze onder het mengsel.
    laat uw bakker deze afbakken op 160° gedurende 45 minuten
    nadien hang je ze voor de wieken van de molen om af te koelen tot 20° zodat je ze in de gevlochten mand kunt stoppen
    geef deze mee aan je generaals als voor hun paard zodat deze stinkende windjes kunnen laten om eindelijk eens wat sneller vooruit te gaan
    op avonturen

    break some simple eggs mix them with beer, flour and the head of a chocolate bunny
    mice some stinky plant and stir this under the mixture.
    let your bakery bake this at 160 ° for 45 minutes

    subsequently hang them for the wings of the mill to cool down to 20° so you can put them in a wicker basket
    give to your you generals as food for there horses so these can let go smelly farts and finaly go faster on adventures
    Laatst gewijzigd door TIPEX; 27-05-16 om 18:54.

  6. #6
    breek een paar gespikkelde eieren en kluts deze tezamen met wijwater, kerstsnoep en het vel van een geroosterde eend
    doe er een halve gistingsversneller bij en laat 24 uur rijzen, kneed nadien het mengsel opnieuw en verijk het met 10 slokjes uit de ketel
    bak af in een voorverwarmde oven op 180° gedurende 1.5 uur
    serveer met gestoomde magische bonenstaken aan je werkende settlers zodat ze 25u 36m 19s lang 5x zo snel werken

    break some dotted eggs en mix them with wholy water, christmascandy and the skin of a roasted duck
    put halve a fermentation accelerator in it and let it rise for 24u, afterwords knead the mixture again and enriche it with 10 sips from the kettle
    bake off in a preheated oven at 180° for 1.5 hour

    serve with steamed magic beanstalks to you working settlers so they work 5x faster for 25u 36m 19s

  7. #7

    Apr 2013
    I would like to add a recipe for an savory biscuit

    500 Fish eggs (freshly collected by the Deep-settler-lake divers)
    2 tbsp Oil (from the stems of the Blue flowers)
    Sugar from the rare sugarcane (found behind the mountains in S9)
    3 carrots (just take them from the whip)
    1 kg flour mixed specially by the "experienced Miller"
    1 gr of grounded seaweed (found on the western beaches)
    Mix all dry ingredients together, add oil. leave it for 8 min 23 sec.
    Roll the mixture out until 0,5 cm thick.
    Use the settler cookie cutters (guild shield, treasure chest, Unicorn and scarecrow shapes)
    decorate with the half the fish eggs put them on the tray in the bakery.
    Make Uncle Mason's special sauce using the rest of the fish eggs (Aunt Irma has the recipe).
    (this just in case the biscuits are to dry)

    Everyone can enjoy these savory biscuits.
    The oils make joints less sore which will speed up the process time for 6 hours. (items are now ready in a quarter of the normal time)

    Wishing everyone a nice Buiscuit day
    Laatst gewijzigd door Zwiza; 28-05-16 om 10:10.

  8. #8
    Qwerty's Avatar
    Jul 2012
    In de buurt van E'hoven
    Koekjesdag vieren?? Serieus??? En een recept bedenken??, manoman .
    Hier alvast de kalender voor na de 29e

    30 – Nationale Theedrinkdag

    3 – Dag van het Park
    8 – Internationale Dag van de Oceanen
    9 – Dag van de Munt
    11 – Dag van het Ondergronds Bouwen
    15 – Internationale Dag van de Wind
    28 – Internationale CAPSLOCK-Dag

    1 – Dag van de Komkommer
    2 – Wereld UFO-Dag
    6 – Comic Sans MS-Dag
    7 – Dag van het Sprookje
    8 – Keverdag
    9 – Dag van de Garnaal
    12 – Dag van het Texelse Schaap
    27 – Dag van de Systeembeheerder
    If you can't be with the one you love love the one you're with

  9. #9
    ccdej2012's Avatar
    Nov 2012
    Dit is natuurlijke wel de perfecte manier om een hoop LEUTERKOEK te verzamelen.....

  10. #10

    Sep 2012
    oohja, tis weer bijna Capslock day

    Precies maandje nog hehe

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